2024 Photo Contest

If you’ve got an eye for capturing great moments in a photo this contest is for you.

Entries are now being accepted for the 2024 Ontario Sheep photo contest. We are looking for photos of your flocks, activities around your sheep farm, and you Ontario’s sheep farmers. This contest is open to everyone. You do not have to be a member of Ontario Sheep Farmers to be eligible to enter.

Winners of the contest will be announced at the 2024 Annual General Meeting.


  • Flock shots – a minimum of 20 sheep must be in the photo
  • Around the sheep farm – farm landscapes, outside/inside your barn or pasture, shearing day, and more
  • Sheep farmers – farmers at work, farm family life
  • All about Wool - showing off Ontario Wool   
  • Fan Favourite - farm landscape, outside/inside barn or pasture, shearing day, and more 

A $100 cash prize will be awarded to the top photos in each of the categories. An overall grand prize award of $250 is also available. All photo entries will be eligible to win the fan favourite cash prize of $100. 

Send pictures electronically to admin@ontariosheep.org in a jpeg format with the subject line 2024 photo contest. Photos submitted must be at least 200 dpi and a minimum of 1 MB in file size.  Pictures submitted must be Canadian and international pictures submitted will not be entered. 

The deadline for entries is September 30, 2024.

Include the following information with your submission:

  • Title of the photo (optional)
  • Mailing address, phone number, and email address
  • Name of the photographer if different than the person submitting the photo.
  • The category you are submitting the photo for (see above for criteria and a list of categories)

Contest rules
Any photos received become the property of Ontario Sheep Farmers (OSF) and will not be returned. OSF reserves the right to use and/or reproduce the photos. Where possible, the credit will be given to the photographer.

If the person who submits the photo to the contest is not the person who took the photo, the name of the photographer needs to be included with the submission.

Only two (2) entries per photographer, per category, will be accepted.

Entrants do not have to be involved in the sheep industry to be eligible to enter.