Raven Predation webinar on April 22nd, 2020
- Raven Predation Webinar recording by OSF/OMAFRA click here
- Raven Predation in Ontario Article by OMAFRA in March 2020 issue of Ontario Sheep News click here
- Raven Predation Derrent On-farm Trials by OMAFRA in the March issue of Ontario Sheep News click here
- Updates to the Wildlife Damage Compensation Program - Thursday, July 21, 20
- Keeping sheep in...and predators out
- Something’s Been Killing My Sheep-But What?
- Livestock Guardian Dog 101
- Coyotes and Sacrificial Lambs
- Livestock Guardian Animal Options
- Guidelines for Using Donkeys as Guard Animals Sheep
- Caring for Guardian Donkeys
- Lowering Livestock Losses from Predation
- Management Practices Can Influence Predation in Sheep Flocks
- Family Dogs Terrorize Sheep
- Trends in Predation--Barry Potter
- Understanding Coyotes and Wolves--Brent Patterson
- Black Bears in Ontario--Lorraine Norris
- Understanding Avian Predators: Ravens and Eagles--Mike Bodenchuk
- Evaluating Your Farm's Predation Risk--Kaiti Nixon and Brent Patterson
- Panel Discussion: Overview of Various Deterrents--Andy Millar, Mark Ritchie and Dennis Yellowlees
- Highlights of Ontario Wildlife Damage Compensation Program and the Protection of Livestock and Poultry from Dogs Act
- Removal Options--David Critchlow