Environment to Environment & Climate Change

Our Commitment to Sustainability 

Ontario’s sheep farmers play an integral role in reducing the impacts of climate change to ensure a sustainable, biodiverse environment for all Ontarians. Pasture and grassland grazing improves biodiversity and soil health. Grazing innovations in orchards and solar sites build soil carbon, provide pollinator, and bird habitat, and reduce reliance on mechanical mowing. Ontario wool offers a durable fibre that is natural, renewable, and biodegradable.

Ontario Sheep Farmers are committed to environmental sustainability with healthier soils and cleaner water. OSF provides industry leadership on several environment and climate change issues including the Lake Erie Phosphorus Ag Sector Working Group and Farmers for Climate Solutions

Ontario’s sheep farmers make significant contributions every day to a more sustainable, biodiverse environment for all Ontarians click here to read more about our commitment to sustainability. 

Read more about OSF’s work on sustainability.

Lake Erie - proposed phosphorous reduction target

Algal and cyanobacterial blooms have been increasing in Lake Erie since the late 1990s, with an estimated economic impact of $4-5.5 over the next 30 years. A 2014 Great Lakes Commission Lake Erie water pollution resolution committed the Lake Erie states and the province of Ontario to form a working group to develop new and refine existing practices, programs and policies to achieve pollutant reduction targets and/or identify additional remedies to improve water quality in Lake Erie.  The Lake Erie Nutrient Targets (LENT) Working Group was formed as a result of that commitment. 

Canada and the US are currently consulting on the recommended phosphorous (P) load reduction targets for Lake Erie.  As part of the consultation, agricultural groups are being asked to comment on the proposed 40% reduction (from 2008 levels) in P use in the Lake Erie watershed, which includes the Thames River and Leamington Tributaries in Ontario. 

Ontario Sheep Farmers' Comments on P Reduction Targets

Climate Change  

In February 2015, the Government of Ontario released a discussion paper on climate change. The intent of the document is to share ideas about how to successfully fight climate change while fostering economic growth in the province. 

The discussion paper:

  • Identifies the climate change challenge, the risks and threats it poses to Ontario's environment, economy, and way of life.
  • Suggests actions that encourage individuals, businesses, government, and communities to do more to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  •  Asks important questions to help inform a comprehensive climate change strategy and action plan, to be released in 2015.  

Ontario Sheep Farmers' Comments on Climate Change