Price and Profit Predictability Tools

Ontario Sheep Farmers offers price and profit predictability tools to help guide decisions and provide information on what prices to expect at auctions in Ontario. Pricing predictions for lambs in all weight categories are currently available with price predictions for one to four weeks out provided.

In the absence of futures markets, sheep market pricing relies on auction markets, also known as cash markets, to provide pricing. To help Ontario sheep producers forecast market pricing beyond cash markets, Ontario Sheep Producers partnered with the University of Guelph and OMAFRA to develop price and profit predictability tools. The tools are designed to help guide decisions and provide farmers with information on what auction prices to expect in Ontario.


Price Predictability Tool

The Price Predictability Tool provides four-week price predictions for lamb weights from under 50 lb to 100+ lb. Historical pricing is also provided for reference.

Click here for the Price Predictability Tool

Profit Predictability Tool

The Profit Predictability Tool also uses four-week lamb pricing information to predict the cost of production and overall profitability. In a few simple steps, producers enter production input and out information. The tool integrates four-week market price predictions and then provides estimated cost, revenue, and profit for the next four weeks.

Click here for the Profit Predictability Tool

(Stay tuned for updated input prices)