Farm Finance & Business Program

*Programs below are listed in alphabetical order

Canadian Agricultural Loans Act (CALA)

A financial loan guarantee program or the Canadian Agricultural Loans Act (CALA) program can help give a producer access to credit. This program is open to beginning and existing farmers, farmers taking over the family farm and also to agricultural co-operatives. The maximum loan granted for land and construction or renovation of buildings is $500,000. For all other purposes the maximum amount is $350,000.

Commodity Loan Program

The Commodity Loan Program was developed to assist farmers in financing theri crop planting, cultivating, and harvesting expenses in Ontario. Producers can access cash advances of up to 75% of the market price of your crop production or $750,000 each year. 

Commodity Loan Program information sheet

Farm Business Resources

If you are starting a new farm business, a business information bundle for new farmers is available. This includes sections on building skills, business plans, common questions about starting a farm business and resources for new farmers, etc.


Farm Credit Canada (FCC)

Farm Credit Canada (FCC)  offers an assortment of different loans for beginning producers. Information on the type of loans offered can be found by clicking here or by calling 1-888.332.3301.

Additional resources which help to focus on management and planning for your farm include Farm Credit Canada workshops that take place in the fall and winter with registration beginning in the summer. Some of these workshops include: Farm Financial Management, Transferring the Farm, Vision and Goal Setting, and Commodity Marketing Management.

Scotiabank Yield More FinancingTM Program

The Scotiabank Yield More FinancingTM Program offers OSF members access to a line of credit to expand their flock by purchasing ewes. The new program is open to Ontario sheep farmers with at least two years of experience, with a simple application and approval process.

*Application window opens Septemeber 1st 2022.