Looking to build upon the natural curiosity of Livestock animals?
This page hosts lessons and printables on why livestock matters and all about wool to assist teachers and parents with fun and educational activity sheets.
Educational Handout/Activity Sheet (Grades 1 - 3)

Additional Agriculture Resources
AgScape - The voice of Agriculture in the Classroom Ontario, AgScape provides factual, balanced, curriculum-linked food literacy programs and resources to Ontario's educators and students. To visit AgScape educational resources click here
AITC - Exists to help students across the country understand and appreciate how diverse agriculture truly is. They believe it is important for our future generations to understand that our farmers work hard to produce good food. They want them to see for themselves that our farmers care about the land and animals they grow. And they want to help them understand that there is so much to learn about agriculture in our community and our world. To visit AgScape educational resources click here
What do sheep eat?
Protecting Sheep from Predators
Transporting Sheep
Sheep Sheering