
OSF Supporter/Sponsorship Program 

The Ontario Sheep Farmers (OSF) Sponsorship Program allows businesses and/or organizations to support Ontario’s sheep industry while increasing exposure.

OSF's sponsorship program package includes information on various levels of sponsorship, as well as, the return on investment.

Participating sponsors gain increased exposure in several different ways depending on the level of sponsorship:

  • Visibility at the OSF Annual General Meeting
  • Listing(s) in the Ontario Sheep News magazine 
  • Listing(s) in The Messenger (OSF’s e-newsletter)
  • Additional exposure (depending on the level of sponsorship) at various producer education program(s)

If you have any questions about sponsorship opportunities, please call Michael Richards at 905 745 4579 or email mrichards@ontariosheep.org.

Thank you to our past and current sponsors!

OSF Sponsors 

Click on Logo to be directed to the company/organization website. Be sure when speaking with them to thank them for being an OSF Sponsor!


  • Guardian Sponsor Level 

  • Advocate Sponsor Level


  • Leader Sponsor Level 

Grober Logo              

  • Collaborator Level