Animal Health

Fact Sheets & Information

Need a Small Ruminant Vet click here 

  • Managing the Risk of Malignant Catarrhal Fever (MCF)from Sheep to Bison OAHN document click here

Abortion Fact Sheets 

Source: Saskatchewan Sheep Development Board

Abortion Summary




Q Fever 




Factsheets on Integrated Parasitism Management:

Source:  Centre D'Expertise En Production Ovine Du Québec

Selective treatment of parasitism

The concept of refugia

Deworming and Dewormers

Fecal monitoring for gastrointestinal parasites

Integrated management of gastrointestinal parasites on pasture

Optimal pasture management for the control of parasites


A Guide to Udder Health For Dairy Sheep - November 2013:

This document is to assist producers, veterinarians, extension and dairy support personnel in the production of quality sheep milk.